Prime Technological ServicesCrates Sustainable Solutions

Sustainability is our business

To protect and enhance the environment so as to promote sustainable development we help you to prevent, control and abate environmental pollution. We effectively and efficiently securing the solutions to problems we are facing in day-to-day life such as air, noise and water pollution. Due to the pressures of overconsumption, population growth and technology, the ecology is being degraded, sometimes permanently. As our vision ‘Crates Sustainable Solutions’ we promise you to meet and treat your requirements.

As one of the largest environmental consultancy, we partner with the Kerala’s leading organizations, creating innovative solutions to sustainability challenges and unlocking commercial opportunities that meet the needs of today while preserving opportunity for future generations.


Waste Water Treatment

Solid Waste Management

Environmental Impact Assessment

Occupational Safety Assessments

Environmental Clearance

Environmental Modelling Services

Environmental Audit

Site Appraisal Study

GIS Services

Environmental Compliance Services

Air Pollution Control

Environmental & Social Due Diligence

CRZ clearance


Geological Studies

Geotechnical Studies

Why Choose Us

Creating Innovative Solutions
Unlocking Commercial Opportunities
Operationalize Sustainability