Clearance Services

Environmental Clearance

Environmental Clearance is the procedure to get clearance from the government for the installation and modification (amendment) of certain projects. It is mandatory for projects which can cause high environmental Pollution. The EIA Notification of 1994 made the environmental clearance mandatory for all new projects and expansion/modernisation of existing projects covering 29 disciplines (later increased to 32 ) which included hydro-power, major irrigation and flood control projects.


As per the provisions of Wild Life (Protection) Act, 1972 and Orders of Hon'ble Supreme Court dated 9th May 2002, any non forestry activity inside a Sanctuary or National Park requires clearance from Standing Committee of NBWL. The application for this needs to be submitted online. The Ministry of Environment and Forests has issued a circular that an Environmental Clearances for all those projects that fall within 10 km boundary of the National Parks, Sanctuaries or wildlife protected area will be subject to recommendation of the Standing Committee of National Board of Wildlife (NBWL). Forest Clearance means an approval accorded by the GOI (MOEF) for diversion of forest areas for non-forest purposes under the Forest (Conservation) Act, 1980. Forest clearance is an approval given by the Ministry of Environment, Forest & Climate Change for the diversion of forest areas for non-forest purposes under the Forest Conservation Act, 1980.

CRZ clearance

The area between High Tide Line (HTL) and Low Tide Line ( LTL ) and area up to 500 metres towards landward side from HTL have been notified as Coastal Regulation Zone (CRZ ) through CRZ notification dated Jan 1991 under E(P) Act 1986. Also the river bank on either side of the estuaries is declared as CRZ. Coastal Regulation Zones (CRZ) are the areas along the 7,500 km-long coastal stretch of India. Development of buildings, tourism infrastructure and other facilities is regulated in these areas by the Government of India. CRZ Rules create a balance between human recreation and conservation of the ecosystem that lies near the coast. The CRZ Rules in India regulate industrial activity along with human activity near the coast for the conservation of ecosystems near the coast.

Site Appraisal study

Site planning typically begins by assessing a potential site for development through thorough site analysis. Information about slopes, soils, hydrology, vegetation, parcel ownership, orientation, etc. While conducting the site analysis we also needs to review zoning of the potential project site. Site analysis involves the collection of physical information about a location's archaeology, geography, geology, and topography and climate factors.

Compliance services

Environmental compliance means meeting the requirements of laws, regulations, and codes designed to protect the environment. The key drivers for meeting environmental compliance reporting requirements are to ensure that legal obligations are met and thus avoid: unnecessary or unintentional negative impacts on the environment. We Inspect and investigate sources of pollution to protect the public and environment and ensure conformance with Federal, State, and local regulations and ordinances.

Due Diligence

Environmental due diligence is a legal and technical investigation conducted to satisfy certain liability protections using state and federal environmental laws or standards. Due diligence can also be used to develop information about environmental conditions used to allocate liability and manage environmental risks. The environmental due diligence audit ensures future regulatory compliance and reduces potential issues as well as future energy and waste costs associated with the property. ... This assessment is limited and is used as an initial screen of the property to understand the potential environmental liabilities better. Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) is a type of due diligence that takes the form of a report that is prepared for any real estate asset, identifying possible or existing environmental contamination.