Geological Services

Geological Exploration

Exploration is a range of activities to help determine if there are minerals under the ground. If the exploration process identifies minerals can be commercially extracted, then mining in the future may be possible. Exploration for minerals may involve: mapping, surveying the ground from the surface or air.

Geotechnical Studies

Geotechnical engineering is the study of the behaviour of soils under the influence of loading forces and soil-water interactions. This knowledge is applied to the design of foundations, retaining walls, earth dams, clay liners, and geo-synthetics for waste containment. We conduct and make geotechnical reports is used to tell you the site conditions and design and construction recommendations to the roadway design, bridge design, and construction personnel.


Geotechnical mapping comprises the align="justify"excavation of and description of soil profiles in test pits or soil profile description of exposed road cuttings and quarries, in order to determine the succession of soil layers present in a specific land facet. Basic steps of geological mapping consist of observation and measurement in the field, taking samples, and analyzing samples in a laboratory. Geological mapping is a multidisciplinary method that combines petrology, structural geology, geomorphology, paleontology, stratigraphy, sedimentology, etc. It provides information about the structural deposition of rock types in the proposed area. ... The knowledge of erosion, transportation and deposition (ETD) by surface water helps soil conservation, river control, coastal and harbour works.

Mining plan

The mining plan and the Review of mining plan becomes an extremely vital document for the scientific and systematic development of mineral deposits particularly the mining has to be carried out in accordance with the envisaged proposals in the approved mining plan as per Rule 11(1) of Mineral Conservation & Development Rules2017. The mining plan and the review of mining plan are to be prepared in accordance with specified formats for different category of mines.

Topographical Surveys

A topographic or topographical land survey shows the height, depth, size and location of any manmade or natural features on a given parcel of land, as well as the changes or contours in elevation throughout the parcel. While boundary surveys focus on horizontal measurements, topographic surveys are about elevation. A topographical survey, also known as a land survey or topographical land survey also known as contours. Topographical land survey measures and identifies the exact location and specifications of natural and human made features within an area of land. A topographic survey offers an ideal way to identify and map the surface features of the terrain in a given area. This survey also helps to identify any areas where construction may be difficult or require leveling work, not to mention the potential impact from higher slopes near the proposed construction location.

DGMS surveys

The mission of the DGMS is to continually improve safety and health standards, practices and performance in the mining industry and upstream petroleum industry by implementing • pro-active safety and health strategies • continuous improvement of processes • effective use of resources • commitment and professional behaviour in its personnel

Mine closure plan

Mine closure planning involves planning effectively for the after-mining landscape – all activities required before, during, and after the operating life of a mine that are needed to produce an acceptable landscape economically. Mine closure encompasses rehabilitation process as an ongoing programme designed to restore physical, chemical and biological quality disturbed by the mining to a level acceptable to all concerned. It must aim at leaving the area in such a way that rehabilitation does not become a burden to the society after mining operation is over. It must also aim to create as self-sustained ecosystem. Final mine closure plan as per statute, shall be considered to have its approval at least nine months before the date of proposed closure of mine. This period of nine months is reckoned as preparatory period for final mine closure operations. Therefore, all proposals for activities which have to be carried out after production of mineral from the mine or mining is ceased, shall be included in the final mine closure plan. The final mine closure plan will thus be a separate document with detailed chapters as per guidelines given below.